Right now, I am reading the biography of Mary Lincoln (Abraham Licoln's wife) and am really surprised to find, that it didn't take much to end up in an asylum aka "Loony house" back in the 1800's. I think I may have ended up in one myself, had I lived in that day.

Andy, his mother and I were discussing the book and talking about women rights back in the 1800's and how far they have come today. I pointed out that I still think it is a "man's world", especially in the work field. He thinks I'm some what of a feminist, but really c'mon ladies am I not right?


Megan Harris said...

I will have to agree with you on that one. They just did a study that men and women in the same career.. the men make more money. Also, that men come across as more powerful so they get the jobs more.

Jamie said...

So true. It seriously can't be denied! That would be an interesting book.

Adrienne said...

I would say "yes" and "no." When I graduated from Grad School, I had more offers than the men in my program. I would like to think that it is because I am so fabulous, but I think that really it is because organizations are hard-pressed to meet "diversity quotas." Most of the women in my program had similar luck with job offers, and since companies pay recent MBA grads a standard, both men and women received the same compensation. However, at many companies, I think that promotions are still easier for men to get. I also think that companies may give women smaller increases in pay because they think that a female will be less likely to argue with whatever they give her.

Kristin Coppee said...

I haven't been out in the working world for like a decade, so I don't know how it is out there nowadays. I just sit behind my computer, typing mindlessly, collecting my paycheck.

ANYWAY, it is scary what people were put into the crazy house for back in the 1800s. I DEFINITELY would have been locked away about a decade-and-a-half ago. SCARY! Actually, in this day and age, I'd probably qualify for admission to an insane asylum. I've just been hiding out and nobody's caught me yet.

Karen P said...

hey, will you let me borrow that book when you are done with it? i am fascinated with the Lincolns.

Karen P said...
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Anonymous said...

It's a man's world in EVERY field in my opinion, but I still love men. I am not a career woman so I can't relate in the work place, but I have been taken advantage of SO many times because I am a woman. I can put Sherman on the phone and get results ASAP every time if I have an issue with something...it just plain stinks!
