Eeny Meeny Miney Moe

Help me Ladies, which dress
should I choose?


Jake, Camille, Kennedy & Jacob said...

Ummmmm....I'm gonna have to say......ALL OF THEM! They are all soooooo cute!

Juliagullia said...

Well.....being the beauty queen that you are, any one of them would look great! With the recent change in hair color I would have to say the red one.

natalie said...

My vote is for the magnified houndstooth (the middle one). They are all pretty special though.

Liz said...

The first one (skirt & top) get my vote...but of course they are all adorable, & would be especially on you!

Megan Harris said...

hmm... It depends on what it is for. My first choice would be the 3rd and then close second is the middle one.

Jamie said...

I think I like the last one or the first one. But they are all super cute. :)

Anonymous said...

The middle one gets my vote.

Anonymous said...

i say the 2nd one

Sarah said...

The first one screams you.
